Tuesday, December 4, 2012

concert time!

Are you feeling the same when I say, "It's December...what?!?!"  Each year, this last month seems to be a little sneakier and creep up a bit faster than the last.  Even though it's hard wrapping my head around the fact that 2013 will be here in less than four weeks, I really do love this time of year.  Family time, a larger collective thought of doing good for others, the coziness cold weather brings (that it is when it's not in the 60s!)...
Something else awesome is the performance that my kiddos at CCA will have in a little less than 2 weeks! It's the second year that it's been held, and will hopefully stay as a tradition.  This is open to family, friends, and community members who wish to show their support and enjoy a little Saturday morning holiday music-making!  All who will participate have been working very hard on their piano, guitar, and vocal pieces- I can't wait to see them in action : )